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The route to effective cloud readiness assessment

Cloud migration is not a magic wand to fit all propositions. Every business is unique and has customized IT to meet its growing business priorities. It is prudent to have customized assessment and migration strategy tailored to your unique business requirements. Cloud readiness assessment audits the entire environment (not only IT, but also business, people, process and security), so that the organization has a 360-degree view of its IT landscape to plan & execute an efficient and effective cloud migration.

The three-step approach
Cloud assessment is a combination of consultative and analytical efforts. It usually takes 2 – 6 weeks (depending on the size of your IT landscape) to complete.

This is essentially done using three steps –

Discovery – is to gather data about current IT. This is done using:
Automated tools to find physical infrastructure, applications and specifications.
Interviews of application owners and business stakeholders for discovery of added requirements.
Analysis & Reporting – is where gathered data is analyzed and you learn about the current state of your IT, gaps if any and your path forward to cloud.
Migration framework – is where analysis and findings of previous steps convert into actionable plan.
Assessment reports– Current state, readiness review and to-be operating model.
To-be-architecture – Identifying plan for each application being analyzed.
Comprehensive costing and ROI details.
Test –Test with an application migration and measure the outcomes.
Why3i Infotech as a cloud partner
An experienced outsourcing vendor brings a cloud agnostic view, well designed and time-tested written documentation (framework), and seasoned cloud & business specialists. Having a joint solution provider and internal teams let you answer the challenging questions about your organization’s actual state of cloud readiness.

Cloud Readiness Assessment for Transformation (CReAT) – a framework at 3i Infotech for cloud readiness assessment employs both processes and collaboration to provide a comprehensive view of your organization’s cloud preparedness. CReAT helps in –

Discovery & Assessment–It helps perform an end-to-end portfolio analysis, examine all types of workloads and address primary migration concern: what assets do I have, will the cloud save money, what about security, how do I execute successfully etc.

Cloud Build – It also helps in automated migration based on domain-optimized templates to run on single, multiple and hybrid environments.

Migration, Testing and Deployment – Next step to successful build is workload migration, thorough testing and cutover.

Managed Services – Once in cloud, continuous innovation and optimization is necessary to optimize resource consumption and meet the business goals.

Active participation from all relevant stakeholders (internal or vendor) is the key to the success of your cloud migration. It is imperative for organizations to utilize a well-documented assessment framework to assess the IT environments on all fronts before embarking on the cloud migration journey.