
3i infotech Blog Blogs

How important is it to modernise your it infrastructure?

We live in the era of the digital economy. When most global economic activities & business networks are enabled by Information technology. Both, to better perform day-to-day tasks, & seamlessly transition into an IT universe that is fast expanding.

Bringing the country closer with e-governance

The onset of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the advancements in the field of technology, together have led to a digital revolution. This revolution has resulted in widespread adoption of ICT on various levels, be it social, political, or cultural.

Cyber security – what we should be prepare for?

We live in interesting times. We now live in a world that is rapidly getting interconnected, opening up avenues for greater collaboration and opportunities and at the same time exposing itself to potential cyber threats and attacks. So what does it take to stay safe online and secure our network and data from unauthorized access and misuse? How can we prepare for possible cyber-attacks and build resilience against any such attempt?